Campers should be grades 4th-6th. The fee is $250 per camper.
Going to Camp
What to Bring:
Bible, notebook, pens/pencils, sleeping bag or sheets/blankets, pillow, washcloths, towels, flashlight, play clothes, closed-toed gym shoes (for games), old shoes (creeking), swimsuit (girls must wear a modest one–piece suit), toiletries (i.e. toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, soap, shampoo), and water bottle (with name tag),snacks and money for snack shop.
Optional items: a disposable camera, baseball glove, books to read.
Please be sure to mark all items with the camper’s name.
What NOT to Bring:
Toys, playing cards, cell phones, and all electronic devices, MP3 players, iPods, and tablets.
Camper Check-In:
Registration Check-In is from 12:00 pm on Monday July 29th in front of the Conference Center at Camp Chautauqua. The Conference Center is the building directly next to the main parking lot. At Registration Check-in, each camper will have a Lice Check completed, find out what team they are on, and what cabin/counselors they have been assigned to.
Camper Pick-Up:
Camper Pick-up is at 10:00 am on Thursday August 1st in the Conference Center at Camp Chautauqua.
For the overall security of the camp we ask that parents and guardians refrain from visiting their campers while at camp. Please feel free to contact the camp director, Jeremy Smith, who can be reached via cell area code: 513, number: 543-3919.
Do you have Medical Concerns?
Whitewater Bible Camp has a Medical Coordinator on staff FULL-time to treat medical issues that may arise. The staff at Camp Chautauqua will also work with children who have food allergies.